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To register

Under the terms of the Manifesto of Studies there are no continuous degrees for access to the Master's Degrees, therefore, to proceed with enrolment, each student is required to submit the appropriate application for evaluation for access to the Master's Degree in the manner indicated on the website of the School.
Enrolment to the CdLM requires the possession of a first level degree and the possession of curricular requirements that provide, however, an adequate mastery of general scientific methods and contents in the basic scientific disciplines and in the engineering disciplines, preparatory to those characterizing those provided for in the order of this class of master's degree. The requirements for personal preparation based on the assessment of previous careers and the adequacy of personal preparation are also defined.
Enrollment in the CdLM requires possession of the requirements listed below:
1. Possession of a degree in Class L-9 "Industrial Engineering" DM 270/04, obtained with at least 160 CFU with a grade in the basic, characterizing and related and supplementary subjects and a minimum graduation grade of 102 if graduating at the same time and 105 if graduating one year late.
2. Possession of a degree in Class L-7 "Civil and Environmental Engineering" or L-8 "Information Engineering" DM 270/04, obtained with at least 160 CFU with a grade in the basic, characterizing, related and supplementary subjects and a minimum grade of 105 if graduating at the same level and 108 if graduating one year late.
3. Possession of a DM 270/04 degree, obtained with at least 160 CFU with a grade in the basic, characterizing and related and supplementary subjects, with a grade of 80/110 or equivalent and compliance with the requirements listed below:
- At least 48 CFU in the basic subjects of which: at least 24 CFU in the area of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics (SSD: INF/01, ING-INF/05, MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, MAT/07, MAT/08, MAT/09, SECS-S/01, SECS-S/02, SECS-S/03) and at least 12 CFU in the area of Physics and Chemistry (SSD: CHIM/02, CHIM/03, CHIM/07, FIS/01, FIS/03);
- At least 24 CFU in the field of Mechanical Engineering (SSD: ING-IND/12, ING-IND/13, ING-IND/14, ING-IND/15, ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17);
- At least 18 CFU in the field of Energy and Aerospace Engineering (SSD: ING-IND/06, ING-IND/08, ING-IND/09, ING-IND/10, ING-IND/11);
- At least 6 CFU in the field of Electrical Engineering (SSD: ING-IND/31, ING-IND/32, INGIND/33, ING-INF/05).


Candidates in item 3 are also required to meet the personal preparation requirements. The adequacy of personal preparation is verified through an interview with a Commission appointed by the President of the CdLM. In the case in which the verification leads to the ascertainment of serious deficiencies, the Commission, with a reasoned decision, will propose to the student an integrative training program to remedy the deficiencies highlighted before the final enrollment in the Master of Science Program. Graduates who have obtained a Bachelor degree with a career duration equal to or less than 4 academic years and a weighted average greater than or equal to 22, or graduates with a career duration equal to or less than 6 academic years, but with a weighted average greater than or equal to 24, are exempt from the interview. In evaluating the length of the career, any academic years attended by the graduate as a part-time student are taken into account. The aforementioned Committee may propose, in place of the interview, if the above requirements are not met, alternative solutions that involve a change in the criteria for defining the final grade of the degree. Those who do not meet the above requirements are invited to submit a request for a "Nulla Osta" to enroll in the CdLM after the completion of the exams, but before graduation. The Commission also identifies, as particularly deserving students, those who have achieved a Bachelor's degree in only 3 years with an average of more than 26/30, or in 4 years with an average of more than 28/30, this assessment will be taken into account in the evaluation of the final test.
To those candidates who do not meet the above requirements, a special evaluation committee will propose a training course prior to enrollment. Any compensatory exams, provided for in the preliminary training course, must in any case be passed before the final enrollment in the CdLM.
Candidates who do not meet the above requirements, but who have a high level of knowledge and skills, certified by the Curriculum Studiorum, may be offered a different entry path.
To enroll in the master's degrees please refer to the School's website (link




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